Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre Opens


The new Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre (RAVIC) has been officially opened at the Inverness Campus by HRH The Princess Royal.

The £12.5m facility has been developed by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) with funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the Scottish Funding Council.

Forming part of SRUC’s new school of veterinary medicine, the new Highland hub offers ‘world-class’ research and innovation facilities including serviced units for prospective businesses. 

RAVIC tenants can access onsite expertise and infrastructure, including fully equipped laboratories, meeting rooms, a lecture theatre with extensive modern networking, and hot-desking spaces.

"We are delighted with our state-of-the-art Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre, which will enable us to build new links between science and industry to help address planetary health challenges and grow the natural economy."

"Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do and was central to the building’s design, reflecting SRUC’s commitment to preserving natural resources."
SRUC Principal and Chief Executive Wayne Powell

Short Video

External photograph of the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre, a blue building with large SRUC logo on front
Photograph of HRH The Princess Royal opening the new Rural Innovation Centre standing next to plaque.
Internal photograph of the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre, showing people at reception desk on left-hand side and stairs up to first floor level on right.
Internal photograph of the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre from first level looking down into the building, with window at end.